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Wednesday, March 20, 2013

zumba baby!

I may be crazyyyy, but... I've been doing a LOT of Zumba lately!! Perhaps I'm subconsciously trying to make up for those 4 months of being stuck at home, sick? I am sooo loving being back, although I must say I only feel comfortable when I am completely dressed in black - it's slimming, ya'll! I feel like a whale if I wear anything else, and I've tried! Strangely enough, I feel like I burn more, have better energy, when I am wearing all black....maybe because I feel less self-conscious that way?

This week has been particularly coo-coo. I went to Zumba Monday morning and again that evening. I was back at the gym Tuesday night for both evening classes. This morning (Wednesday), I felt exhausted and nauseated but made myself hit the gym, anyway. I figured I never regret going so... But MAN, class was soooo difficult!! I felt extremely fatigued for the entire hour. Honestly, I don't know how Michaela does it (teaching class no matter how she's feeling). If that had been my class, it would've been awful. My energy was so low and I was miserable. But..I powered through. Afterwards, Michaela and I (and Jackson) went to Subway for lunch. I needed fuel for my bod!! I felt better but continued to feel major fatigue for the rest of the day. Amazingly, despite feeling awful, I taught Zumba tonight. Crazyyy Ellen!!! I took a power nap and ate some healthy food for energy, beforehand. I was worried because as I was about to leave for the Church (to teach), I was still feeling terrible. Thank goodness some energy found me and we had a great class! Phew! I've missed teaching, and I feel like my confidence grows each time.....even though it's just by a little bit.

It's fun to take Juliet to all these Zumba classes with me. *giggle* She moves around a lot when class is over. I tell you, this girl is going to come out dancing!  I am 23 weeks and 2 days pregnant and about 143 pounds. I am so glad I feel well enough (finally) to exercise and eat healthier. Before, I was only eating whatever I was craving and it was usually bad for me. I want to enjoy this pregnancy and won't stress about it, but I also want to be healthy and fit. I don't want to have a lot of work to do (on my bod) once Juliet is born. One thing I've really enjoyed about going back to the gym is when people ask me about my pregnancy and discover I'm not having my first or second baby, but my fifth. Of COURSE it makes me feel good! I tend to feel old and fat so it's always nice to hear compliments.

Well, it's late - time to get myself some Z's (if Juliet lets me)!

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