BabyFruit Ticker

Tuesday, April 9, 2013


jim was gone for the week of spring break and i had a feverish, puking daughter, a coughing son, and another son that was feverish, lethargic and had the runs. what a long week that was! now, jim is gone again - this time, for two weeks. day one? i had to drive him (and the kids) to the airport..and i was throwing up. greaaaat. and it wasn't pregnancy-related. nope, just caught some nasty bug i guess.

that was sunday. it's now tuesday and although the puking is over, i feel like my stomach has been churning broken glass for the past few days. M-I-S-E-R-A-B-L-E. i also had the worst heartburn i've ever experienced. i felt like i was having a heart attack....or like a brick was engulfed in flames inside my chest and trying to push it's way out. i took the maximum of tums i could and it did nothing. my friend suggested raw i snacked on those. it seemed to work for the heartburn, but my tummy protested and i threw it up. lovely!

i'm just glad i'm no longer bent over a bucket, breaking the blood vessels below my eyes. but now i have new problems...and i'm certainly not feeling better yet. ugh. i've been sick a lot this pregnancy! i understand the immune system gets weak during pregnancy but i've never been sick this much with any of my other babies. what the dealio?!

on a positive note, juliet has been SUPER active today. that's fun. i took a little video of her moving about. of course, she gets less active when the camera is on her (how does she know?!), but i was able to capture a few good bumps.

i'm feeling blue. no zumba for me. heck, not much of anything for me. i'm lucky if i can eat something small without it bothering me, or if i can get a sliver of sleep. *sigh*

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